Forums Q & A
Posted by: webmaster Posts: 61 The Man in Charge | Forums Q & A - Posted on: Sep 11, 2019 16:26:08 Using the Forums Q: What is BBCode and how do I use it? A: BBCode is a formatting language similar to HTML. It allows you to format change font properties; add pictures, links, and lists; and quote other users. Q: How do I use BBCode to change the font properties in my post? A: Select the text you would like to change, then click the appropriate button at the top of the forum. The B I U change the font to Bold, Italic, and Underlined. The color button will change the selected text's color. The font size can also be changed using the button marked A Q: How can I place a link to another website in my message? Click on the link button in the message editor, paste the URL into the form, and the click OK. Q: How can I place a photo in one of my forum posts? A: When you reply to a thread or create a new one, you will see an "Upload an Image" button at the top right of the page. Click on it, select up to four photos, and then click submit. It will take some to to transfer the photos depending on how large they are and how fast your Internet service is. After the transfer is complete, copy and paste the bbCode into your message. You may also use a third party image hosting service. See the list below and follow their instructions. After you have done that, place the URL given to you by the hosting site by clicking on the image icon at that top of the form. Paste the link and click OK. When you have added the photo, it will show up like this: Do not worry if you made a mistake and the photo did not show up in your post. You can always edit your post and try again. Here is a short list of photo hosting sites. There are many more which I have not listed.