Apollo Network
Montana accepting transgender birth certificate changes
Posted by Ron
Tuesday, October 4th 2022 @ 06:57:54 AM EST

HELENA, Montana (AP): The state health department has restored the ability for transgender people to apply to correct the gender marker on their Montana birth certificate after a judge blocked enforcement of a law that would have required them to have surgery first. (Read full article by Clicking Here.)

Ron: Rightly or wrongly we have not dealt with the civil rights of trans people on Apollo Network, but then neither did we deal with the rights of same sex marriage until it was coming onto the national and world stage. Those of us who are satisfied with our birth sexual assignments cannot understand the the feelings of those who are not, but then I went through twelve years of public education and four years of private college without one person of color in those classes. Happy people live with a "don't rock the boat" mentality. In a democracy, "boat rocking" for civil rights is or should be welcomed. If not, then gay people will have to return en mass to their closets.

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