Apollo Network
New White House Fence
Posted by Ron
Wednesday, June 10th 2020 @ 09:10:31 AM EST

A hundred years ago anybody could walk up to the White House, knock, on the door, and ask to speak to the President. As the country grew in number and increased in crazy people, a fence was required. Now under the current US President, a new, larger, and tackier fence has extended the White House gounds another city block from the historic edifice.

There is almost amusing irony in that this president came to power promising a wall at the US Southern boarder to keep out foreigners. Now he has put up a fence wall around the White House to keep at distance the sound of American people protesting his insensitivity to his own countrymen.

Like it or no, his name and administration will ever be connected to George Floyd's murder and possibly a giant step forward in solving race relationships.

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