Apollo Network
Russian Suing Apple for iPhone Turning Him Gay
Posted by Ron
Saturday, October 5th 2019 @ 06:36:31 AM EST

Newseeek: A Russian man has sued Apple after claiming a mysterious message sent to his iPhone turned him gay, according to a report from The Moscow Times. (Photo above: Gay Russians demonstrating for gay rights.)

The man says that an anonymous English language message was sent to a cryptocurrency app on his iPhone in 2017 urging him "don't judge without trying." The message was attached to 69 units of GayCoins.

Razumilov is seeking over $15,000 in damages from Apple for allegedly "turning him gay." He claims the company, which makes the iPhone, caused him "moral suffering and harm to mental health," due to "manipulatively pushing me towards homosexuality."

He reported said, "I thought how can I judge something without trying it? And decided to try some same sex relationships."

After the supposed trial run of same sex relationships, Razumilov seems to have entered into a steady romantic partnership, but he claims that this was a negative development.

"I have a steady boyfriend and I don't know how to explain it to my parents. After receiving the aforementioned message, my life has changed for the worse and will never be normal again," I can say after the passage of two months that I'm mired in intimacy with a member of my own sex and can't get out."

Apple appears to have no stake in the GayCoin cryptocurrency, which is currently valued at less than two cents.

Note from Ron: And just when I thought the USA had a monopoly on crazy people.

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