Apollo Network
Get the hell Out of the Closet
Posted by Ron
Saturday, April 22nd 2017 @ 09:14:09 AM EST

I know that everyone thinks his closeted gay secret is justifiable, but unless you live in some homophobic African or Islamic country, or if you are married to a woman, or your job is in danger, why the hell are you still closeted this far into the 21st Century?

You are not hiding anything that most of your friends and family do not already know. Everyone feels he will encounter rejection when he comes out, but the number one response from the straight person is something like, "I wondered when you would get around to telling me."

I know of cases when parents had actually begged their sons to be honest about it saying they could accept it.

The legalization of gay marriage in Western counties, has made gay people undeniably and largely accepted by the majority in every country where it is legal. Only the died in the wool religious and uneducated rednecks are trying to hold on to old religious and secular myths about gay people.

Additionally, I've noticed about coming out to people is often their second response is that their brother or cousin is gay. And their third response is that they recently attended a gay wedding.

Almost all closeted gay people are fooling only themselves and denying themselves the freedom and relief that truthfulness brings. Just open up that door and get out.

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