Apollo Network
Are all Heroes Gay?
Posted by Ron
Tuesday, April 5th 2016 @ 11:45:51 AM EST

Haven't you noticed that most of history's heroes are single? Starting with Ulysses. Had he not gone off to the Trojan Wars with all his buddies and instead stayed home with wife Penelope, there would have been no story for Homer to tell.

An on-going craze is speculation about Batman and Superman. (Only in the movie did Lois Lane ever bed Superman, probably because the title of "man of steel" raised thoughts of his penis in bed.

All the US Western cowboys were single or paired with another man. The relationship of Batman and Robin has long been a nickering topic among men, gay and straight.

In the current Star Wars film the main hero is a woman, but this has caused people to speculated that the minor male heroes are hot for each other. Like accusations were aimed at the robots C-3PO and R2-D2. (The latter had to be a top, but how they manage sex is puzzling.)

Maybe a hero story needs a single character. Add a wife and baby to mix and Hans Solo types won't have time to fly around the galaxy saving the good guys.

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