Apollo Network
"Sabbath Mode"
Posted by Ron
Saturday, September 26th 2015 @ 08:49:25 AM EST

Here's how Sabbath Mode works. The day before your Sabbath you program the stove by pushing a few buttons to kick in on Sabbath Mode. Then when your holy day begins, the oven (not the burners) come on for the whole day. Just to make sure you aren't seeing you are using electricity, the digital lights go off as does the oven light when you open the door.

I guess the priests against hot food once a week could not foresee that futures computers would get around rubbing sticks together to start a fire. Nevertheless, it seems to me that the spirit of the law has been circumvented by the inventors of "Sabbath Mode" stoves.

My bottom line question: Why do present conservative believers ignore the Bible's rules on no hot food on the Sabbath but cling to the Bible laws against being gay? Do you suppose the homophobic televangelists and presidential wannabe Mike Huckabee have and use Sabbath Mode cooking stoves? Not likely.

Whatever your Sabbath this weekend, try not to feel guilty turning on your stove, eating hot food, and being gay. Nothing is written in stone that can't be outflanked by modern religious and commercial ingenuity.

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