Apollo Network
Homophobic People often Have Psychological Issues
Posted by Ron
Wednesday, September 16th 2015 @ 11:05:26 AM EST

From LiveScience:"Homophobic attitudes may say a lot about the person who holds them. A new study of university students in Italy revealed that people who have strongly negative views of gay people also have higher levels of psychoticism and inappropriate coping mechanisms than those who are accepting of homosexuality.

This doesn't mean that homophobic people are psychotic; rather, psychoticism is a personality trait marked by hostility, anger and aggression toward others. But the study does suggest that people who cling to homophobic views have some psychological issues." (To read the full article, Click Here.)

From Ron: Of course, Shakespeare said some like this four hundred years ago: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Hamlet: Act 2 Scene 2

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