Apollo Network
Do Right Wing Religious People Read or Believe the Bible?
Posted by Ron
Wednesday, April 8th 2015 @ 07:13:41 AM EST

A lawyer continues to collect signatures to put a vote on the California Ballot a law that will have all gay people shot, but some Californians are striking back with humor, suggesting that the Golden State ban the eating of shell fish as per instruction of the Bible in Leviticus 11:9-12. Humor never works on overly religious people. Can you imagine Fred Phelps (the "God Hates Fags" preacher) having a good laugh over anything other seeing someone burning in hell?

Just as humor does not work, neither does quoting the Bible to those who say they believe in it. In addition to forbidding consuming shrimp, the Bible comes down hard on the following things that have somehow slipped the notice of hard-nosed people who say they believe the Good Book:

-Eating a ham sandwich Leviticus 11:7-8
-Getting a Tattoo Leviticus 19:28
-Going to a barber shop for a trim Leviticus 19:27
-Gossiping Leviticus 19:16
-Parents may stone to death their children Exodus 21:17
-No Divorce Mark 10:11-12
-Anyone who works on the Sabbath must be killed Exodus 31:14-15

These are only a few of the teachings of the Bible that believers completely ignore, but the same believers continue to think being gay is an abomination to God. Apparently, the true believer can eat popcorn shrimp and approve of popping guns at "perverts."

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