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Why Do Gay Men Support Anti Gay Politicians?
Posted by Ron
Sunday, June 24th 2012 @ 08:54:38 AM EST

To Ron: I find it hard to believe that a gay man could support a candidate that was so anti gay or senior citizen or the poor or any number of groups for whom government is their only means of support. But that the the nature of the dichotomy between the two parties. (At Right: A little anger goes a long way, usually too far.)

I think part of the reason many older gay men feel the way they do is they have no stake in many current gay issues. They figure they survived with the status quo and since they are basically left alone to live their lives they don't need to get involved. They are beyond being concerned about marriage, being in the military, or job discrimination so why get all excited or involved when it doesn't affect them? They don't seem to have a sense of loyalty to a cause if they are not directly benefiting from the action. -Terry

From Ron: Thanks for your input. Sadness is having no connections, no goals, and no personal improvement schedule. It seems to me that these days people are more connected to their sports teams than they are to their government, their religion, their friends, or even their family. Politicians and self interest groups appeal to these people and fan their flames with fear and anger. Disconnected people can suddenly feel something. Unfortunately, they mistake rage and hate for being alive and well.

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