Dear Doc, I occasionally have to take penicillin and flagyl when my diverticulitis flares up. The problem is always in the descending section of my colon. Can intercourse contribute to my diverticulitis? My friend is fairly long and thick. - Charles
Hello Charles, it is unlikely that intercourse will trouble your diverticulitis. (At Right: High fiber foods are just what the doctor orders.)
Diverticulitis is infection of diverticula which are wormlike out pouchings of the colon. When seeds, or stool blocks the openings they can become infected changing diverticulosis to diverticulitis. Exercise and high fiber diet can reduce the likelihood of diverticulosis but most people over 50 have them.
I will give you a brief anatomy lesson. The colon travels from the end of the small intestine, the ileum and moves up from the right groin area to behind the rib cage and there is a transverse colon across to the left and the descending colon starts at the rib cage on the left down to the left groin to the sigmoid colon and then to the rectum. it is rare to nonexistent to have diverticula in the rectum which is the zone of intercourse.
Be sure to use protection since the mucosa of the rectum are sensitive and there is typically microscopic bleeding with intercourse, and that can be source of HIV and other infections like venereal diseases and hepatitis being transmitted into the blood stream. Play safe and enjoy. - Ellar, M.D.