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The People Have Spoken?
Posted by Ron
Friday, October 10th 2014 @ 03:52:30 PM EST

Politicians in those states still fighting same sex marriage continue with the most inane excuses for delaying the inevitable. Their two objections are lame, and any first year law student should know better. Say the anti gay politicians:

1. "The people have spoken," meaning that in state wide elections those state voted that marriage should be between one man and one woman.

Answer 1: The votes were taken early in the century when less than half the population approved of gay marriage. Now over 60% of all American's approve of same sex marriage.

Answer 2: All the southern states in the 1800s spoke about slavery, loud and clear; they approve of it. We know what that led to, namely the death of 600,000 Americans in a deadly Civil War.

2. The Supreme Court should not have ruled on this issue?

Answer: What do they teach in the state law schools about the US Constitution? Have they even read it? It's the supreme court of the land.

3. The Supreme Court should have ruled on same sex marriage. (Yeah, opponents of Gay Marriage, play both sides of an argument.)

Answer: This is covered in Law 101: If the Supreme Court decides not to rule on an appealed case, the ruling of the court under the Supreme Court becomes the law of the land. That they did not hear the case meant they agreed with the ruling, so in point of fact, not ruling is a definitive decision. They agree and needn't take up more time with it.

The truth is that these recalcitrant politicians probably know all this. They are just grandstanding for their disgruntled voters. NOTE: Since writing this yesterday morning, three more states (North Carolina, Idaho, and Missouri have bowed to the inevitable, and same sex marriage has passed the tipping point.

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