Apollo Network
Genital Warts on My Partner
Posted by ApolloDoc
Wednesday, August 5th 2009 @ 03:12:29 PM EST

Dear Doc, I recently found genital warts on my "faithful" lovers anus. I had not explored that region in about 4 months, but when I did - there were 4 clusters of leafy HPV warts.

He claims no one has been back there except me. I feel otherwise - but my research on the net is inconclusive. I know it's caused by HPV - but it doesn't say that it's 100% sexually transmitted. Most articles say 80% are sexually transmitted. Also - if he has the virus - but doesn't have warts on his penis - can I catch them as we have had unprotected sex in those past four months.

As of this point - our 11 year relationship is on hold and most likely over as I will also pursue an HIV test in about 2 weeks or so. Can you enlighten me as to your opinion? Thanks - John

Dear John, This is a very thought provoking question and will likely be of interest to others. It caused me to do some Internet research, just as you have done.

Although there are studies that have shown HPV virus under fingernails and transmission from mother to child, I cannot find anything to show that anal condylomata (warts) can be transmitted non-sexually. There can be quite a delay between exposure and the appearance of the lesions. To answer the second part of your question, HPV can be transmitted by anal intercourse even without visible warts on the penis.

I hope that you can work out your relationship with him, but please be safe and use condoms if you're active with him or anyone else. If you are able, please urge him to seek medical attention for and treatment of his warts. Sincerely, The Doc

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