Apollo Network
The Republican Screwed Logo
Posted by Ron
Sunday, July 17th 2016 @ 05:57:57 AM EST

Never has such a stink followed the release of a political logo as happened last week. Other than die hard GOP people and little old ladies, the world saw it as one of the male candidates on top of and doing the naughty/naughty to the other. Thousands of messages flashed around the world saying it was the gayest logo ever.

Another group maintained it was the upside down drawing of masturbation. By dinner time even the little old ladies were saying it looked like a dangling roll of toilet paper.

The "top" man in this logo previously claimed that he could shoot a person in the streets and get by with it. He has now learned that he cannot put out a tacky logo. He must be wondering if Americans can see through his logo and laughing at his efforts, will they not soon be doing the same with to him?

The logo was pulled at day's end, thus setting a historical record for the shortest lived political statement ever.

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